Purpose of Survey

The purpose of the survey was to bring to the attention of the school, the mediocrity of it's food service. The school needs to make changes in how it handles giving food out to students. If this school is to be growing in the next few years, you can only imagine that the wait time for food will only increase making students less likely to want to use the schools facilities decreasing in possible revenue (assuming that we don't have to pay $200 for a mandatory meal plan which is bogus in it's own right).  Something has to be done to ensure that students continue to buy food from the school and don't start going home or to other places.

http://ryanmiller.wufoo.com/forms/is-ggc-food-service-too-slow/ <-------Survey

ggc-food-service.xlsx ggc-food-service.xlsx
Size : 0.013 Kb
Type : xlsx

Student Responses to Survey

Overall students can agree that the school's food service is very slow. A majority wait more than 5 minutes for their food after ordering. The average amount of employees working at one time is two which could be a problem with the time. The time to take the order of the students vary. Sometimes the employees are able to take the order quickly and sometimes the student's must wait in line for long periods of time. All students can agree that something needs to be done.

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